“ONE DAYyou’ll discover, you’ve alwayshad the fortitude to go throughlife’s journeydespite all the challengesyou’ve faced storms,…

When you awaken…..

“When you awaken,in the morning, remind yourselfof how fortunate you are tohave another dayto live and…

If you can’t ….

“If youcan’t do anythingabout somethingthenlet it go.don’t be a prisonerof thingsyou can’t change.” And before you…

Life is not….

“life is not,about being rich,being popular,ORbeing perfectit’s aboutbeing realbeing humbleand being kind“ And before you go,…


“DON’T FORGETthat there isa future thatyou haven’tseen yet,even when lifebecomes difficultand you feellike giving up.Stay STRONG,have…

Life is too precious…

The hardest good-bye’s….

Watch out for each other…

Don’t chase anything or anyone…

Motivation, Love and Relationships, Inspiration, Attitude, Success, wordsofwonder,, Faith and Spiritual, Leadership, giggles, colorcountfun.

To be content doesn’t mean…

Motivation, Love and Relationships, Inspiration, Attitude, Success, wordsofwonder,, Faith and Spiritual, Leadership, giggles, colorcountfun.