This old man had a very good reason to regret what he did his whole life…
Old man: he was regretting that why he wasted his whole life searching for the other…
They were too drunk and didn’t knew what they are saying but the nuns were courageous and….
Drunk in a monastery for nun’s enters two drunks and says: – And now we’ll raping…
At this press conference, this known politician was asked something very awkward….
Politician : [] At a press conference, a journalist asks a known politician, who joined the…
this man was very proud of himself. And one day he was standing in front…
Man: this man was admiring himself in the mirror.. If only it was 2 cm long..…
This couple invited on their wedding, every of their friend they had ever knew …
Wedding: At a wedding a guy tells this guest: – Did you see how ugly can…
Getting Intimate with the patient ?
Intimate : [] After having getting intimate (sex) with a patient, when a doctor is resting…
One day this old dog showed up into is yard, and started
Dog A very touching story! An old tired-looking dog came into my yard. but I could…
One day during a class, this teacher asked this little boy about his future plans…
Teacher : [] A teacher asks her class, "What do you want to be when you…